Plastic free July

It isn’t that I have had no time for writing this blog, I have not wanted too. I have focused a lot on my Instagram feed and building that. But I do want to try and write again as I find it therapeutic but I wont commit to saying yes it will be once a week or once a month. My life has changed dramatically during lock down, and over the remainder of this crazy year it is set to change even further. I am looking forward to the changes, if a little daunted. But lets see what happens.


I know that we are all trying to do our bit for the environment. Veganuary., dry January etc and Plastic July is another incentive to try and encourage everyone to change their ways.
How do I get started you may ask? Begin simple:

  1. Take a reusable cup to your favourite coffee shop (* I know currently some places are not accepting them due to Covid-19)
  2. Decline plastic straws or buy some glass or metal ones to take out with you
  3. Buy loose vegetables (which are very often cheaper) and use a recyclable bag or paper bag to put them in. I got one from Sainsburys for 30p
  4. Take a bag out with you cotton, or a plastic one you have lying around. I have one in each handbag ready for any spontaneous purchases
  5. Don’t buy bottled water – buy a reusable bottle or container and take out tap water. I haven’t bought bottled water in about three years save for one occasion when it was just so hot and I could not top up my container anywhere.

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.

If you want to take things further then think about buying bulk from food shops and using your own jars. Sanitary wear, bathroom supplies, laundry detergent, toothbrushes the list is endless. Sometimes the outlay can be more expensive but knowing that what you is using won’t still be around in 100 years has got to be worth it right?

If you want to know more then take a look at the website for more ideas and to sign up to the challenge. What have you got to lose?

Have a great week everyone and weekend.

28 thoughts on “Plastic free July

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  1. Great ideas! I always try to bring my own bag when I go shopping and use reusable cotton wool pads


  2. Great ideas! If we all take small steps collectively, it does make a difference. Upcycling is a great way to reduce & reuse. I found great ways to reuse so many things… Like prescription pill bottles for a mini purse first aid kit or ear bud holders.


  3. Great ideas! Living on a little island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, I see the effects of single use plastics every time I go to the beach. Thanks for encouraging this. It’s so important!


  4. I really like all these suggestions as all of them are easy to start using/doing as part of our everyday lives. I’m going to have a really good look at how I can make some plastic-free changes myself. Thanks for sharing!


  5. This is such a good idea. If we all started making small changes like these it would have a huge impact on the environment. In my house we’ve started to be a lot more conscious of making environmentally friendly choices.


  6. This is awesome – such simple but effective ways to reduce waste and help the environment. I’ve been taking a metal straw out with me for a couple of years ago now and I love it!


  7. Excellent ideas. I am doing the Plastic Free July Challenge and it’s really hard. I’m learning a lot!


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